High Winds

I don’t think I’m giving out any trade secrets if I share that the airlines are going through a rough time in the wake of the coronavirus. As a family, we don’t have any way of knowing exactly what will happen in the upcoming year. But we do know that the forecast is exceptionally cloudy, and we’re getting out our proverbial umbrellas.
Tim and I have been cycling through every possible emotional reaction to everything that’s been going on. That will probably continue until we know how everything will ultimately shake out. But we’ve weathered storms before, and made it through hard times. We’re lucky enough that we have many layers of security net. So even in the worst-case scenarios, we should be fine.
We’re doing our best to treat this with the same sense of adventure that brought us to Guam. We’re taking some time to talk about our values as a family. We may not be able to control everything that happens to our family, but at least we can establish our compass. When we’re faced with decisions about how to navigate through the storm, we’ll aim toward the things that matter to us. We’re optimistic that in the middle of the turmoil, we’ll be able to find opportunities for adventure.
When we came to Guam, we believed that we had arrived in our new life. It turns out that there is no such thing as an arrival. Life is the adventure, and our move to Guam has merely been a waypoint along the way.
In the meantime, Guam is slowly starting to emerge from lockdown, so we plan to explore the beauty that’s right out the front door. We’ve got a queue of hikes, beaches, and rock-hounding to enjoy.
“We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.”
— Aristotle Onassis