The travel bug

Two years ago today, Tim sat down at his first day of training at United. The culmination of years of hard work. And on Sunday, we’ll celebrate 17 years since we got married. I’d like to think that we’ve learned a few things along the way. Since we’re currently on another airplane flight, I’m inclined to think of those lessons as a traveling analogy. Tim and I met when we were both living in England, and by the time we’d been dating a few months we’d traveled all across Europe together. So you could say that traveling is hardwired into our relationship. We strive to be adaptable and curious. To plan when we can, and change course if opportunity knocks....Read More
Planning for Adventure

Parts unknown…

And… we’re off. After getting temporarily sidelined, we’re finally starting to live the vision we had when we uprooted ourselves and moved to Guam. Tim got the month of August off and so we’re setting out for parts unknown. Okay, maybe parts only hazily known. We’ll be in Denver for a few days before we set off toward Europe. Specifically, Greece. We spent most of this school year learning about ancient history. And Amelia’s taken a few sailing classes lately, so Greece seemed to be the perfect fit. Or maybe we’re just working our way through our “G” geography. We originally chose Europe so that we could meet up with cousins that we’ve dearly missed. But it turns out that...Read More

Lair o’ the Bear

It’s been a year since we upended our lives. In this season of reflection, I’ve been thinking about that anniversary. Our life was good in Davis. I loved my job - who I worked with, what we were doing, the values we embodied in the projects we built. And Davis is a community straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. We were exceptionally lucky in our friends and our schools. But… we were so busy with our daily lives that we barely saw each other. I didn't want to miss any more of Amelia and Duke's childhood. So when we decided to re-think everything, it wasn’t because we were unhappy with any one aspect of our life. We decided to...Read More


I sat down at the kitchen table to draft a post about how I’m striving to learn the lessons of patience and grace that this year seems to demand of me. And Duke decided to try out all the different alarm tones available on his iPad. All of them: foghorn, klaxon, old fashioned telephone ringtone. And then listen to all of them all over and over again. Usually the result of this kind of experiment is a top volume alarm going off at 1:30 A.M. But I am learning patience. I am learning to live with the vast universe of things that I can’t control. I am learning to truly treasure the seemingly small list of things that I can...Read More

Map of My Day

Last week I pulled out some old books and articles about maps for an informal lesson. We read about the history of maps, going all the way back to a stone map made in Babylon in 600 BC. We talked about why we use maps and some of the quirks of maps. Why do we draw north up? What do our choices about what we include and exclude say about us? How do we draw a round Earth on a flat piece of paper? Next, we drew our own maps inspired by Sara Fanelli’s Map of My Day. We had fun drawing, and I was impressed with the kids' level of detail. The kids drew maps of our house and...Read More

High Winds

I don't think I'm giving out any trade secrets if I share that the airlines are going through a rough time in the wake of the coronavirus. As a family, we don't have any way of knowing exactly what will happen in the upcoming year. But we do know that the forecast is exceptionally cloudy, and we're getting out our proverbial umbrellas. Tim and I have been cycling through every possible emotional reaction to everything that's been going on. That will probably continue until we know how everything will ultimately shake out. But we've weathered storms before, and made it through hard times. We're lucky enough that we have many layers of security net. So even in the worst-case scenarios,...Read More

Abnormal Normal

When I wrote the tagline for our new blog, "Adventures in Our New Life", these were not the adventures I was planning on. Soon we'll pass the break-even point, when we'll have spent more time in quarantine in our new house then we've spent not in quarantine. And so it shouldn't be a surprise that our new abnormal reality is starting to feel startlingly…. normal. We’re settling in. Of course, we get stir crazy. But oddly, life within these walls feels so routine, even as life outside them is less and less recognizable. But within these walls, we’re doing our best to continue to find adventure and moments of happiness. A week ago the kids found a caterpillar and put...Read More

In My Head

I had been doing really well about keeping my equanimity. Keeping informed. Worried but not anxious. Until a couple days ago. For whatever reason, all of my mental stability stopped feeling... stable. Suddenly. I started imaging all the worst outcomes and they kept swirling in an endless loop. I just couldn't get out of my head. I couldn't sleep. Even though we've been spending every-single-second-of-every-single-day together as a family, I wasn't present for my kids and Tim. I was too absorbed in all the dire future possibilities that I just wasn't present in the now. The thing is, I think it finally hit me that when life resumes after the coronavirus, the world will be a changed place. I'd like...Read More

A Crash Course in Homeschooling

I think we can safely say that we’re in strange, strange times. Millions of Americans are suddenly having to contemplate how to educate their kids at home. And many are also simultaneously trying to figure out how to work remotely. It’s a recipe for anxiety and confusion. Our family has been homeschooling now for all of two months. So in many ways, I’m exactly the wrong person to be writing a crash course in homeschooling - there are many parents out there who have been doing this for decades, and are homeschooling experts. But in many other ways, I’m exactly the right person. It’s a recent transition for us, and I’m right in the middle of figuring all this out...Read More


I doubt I’m the only one, but the constant stream of contradictory news about the coronavirus has left me fatigued and off-kilter. On the flight from San Francisco to Honolulu, we heard the news that the president had declared a state of emergency and that our old school district had canceled classes for the next four weeks. Facebook has exploded with crazy debates about exactly how worried we should all be and my normal outlets of reliable news don’t seem to be any more certain about what we should do or what to expect in the next few weeks. The world feels topsy-turvy to me right now. So, in addition to the usual haze of travel, I was pretty preoccupied...Read More