I woke up this morning thinking about the moves that I’ve made in my life so far. This move to Guam will be my 15th out-of-state move. If I make a guess of how many times I’ve moved across town between out-of-state moves, I would guess that I’ve moved approximately 30 times in my life. I should be proficient at this.
But it’s been over five years since we’ve moved to this house. Our family has been through a lot during those five years. It’s the only house that Duke has ever lived in. Amelia may have hazy memories of the townhouse we used to live in around the corner, but by and large this is the house that she knows and remembers. It’s been a good home for us – filled with rich, happy memories. This has also been the longest that I’ve ever lived at any single address.
And we moved to California in January 2010. As I’m writing this, I’m realizing it was a full decade. Nearly on the nose. How could that be?
So if you could say that I should be proficient at moving, it’s also fair to say I’m out of practice. And moving with kids is a masters level that I’ve never had to demonstrate. Over the next five days, the packers and movers will be here, I finish my last week at work, Amelia has six performances of the Nutcracker, and our new tenants take possession of the house. I really think I could have scheduled this better so that everything wasn’t happening at once.
So far, the kids have been amazing – curious and excited, but not as anxious as I was worried they might be. Tim is here this week for the craziness and I’m comforted that my mom has been wiling to come help us out. She and I have made a few moves together and she’s a partner that I’m extremely grateful to have at my side. Friends and family have offered to help in all kinds of ways that have made a big difference to us.
The movers come in a few hours. I woke up at 4 this morning trying to put all of this in context. In a little bit, the kids and I will go and get donuts and coffee for ourselves and the packers. I’ve been mapping out and worrying about this week for two months now. Now that we’re here, I’m feeling relieved that it’s all almost over. And I’m looking forward to getting to Guam and settling in to our new life.